With my beloved parents and my best friend Kathi (the most beautiful doctor of Berlin indeed!) i spent a complete month on both islands of Newzealand in October 2003, before i performed on stage of "Schlachhof" in Wiesbaden (directly after returning, perfect in time!) with some UEP-musicians (from the Roadhouse label series "Urban Electronic Poetry") & other poets to present the world premiere of the CD+DVD "DAS WORT IST EIN VIRUS IN DER AUTOMATIK DER STÄDTE" (a high-quality compilation with poetryclips by Thorsten Nesch & especially for each poem composed music produced by headtractive and distibuted by schaltkreis since 2005). For that i had to do my rehearsals of the poem "SKANDAL" under headphone every morning in the motels before driving to the next town, searching for the next coffee on the road and another nice beach. On half-way of our trip we reached a special small beach with hot water sources coming directly out of the sand. I will never forget this day as i deleted by accident all photos i shot til then, even those documentation snapshots of my brothers's celebration in Hamilton university when he became a doctor of eco-tourism. But by that i returned to THE BEACH PRESENT and wrote the short-poem "D.I.S." about that feeling of losing the weight of all the pictures in my head...

Intense Color Version: POWER TO THE PAUA
Intense Color Version: POWER TO THE PAUA

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Multimedia-Buch 2021: "RU[H]R RÄTSEL"

Als Gastautor der LDL (Liga der Leeren) mit Essays über spirituelle Demenz und die sog. SPIRI-PSYCHOSE


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