The natural neuroastronomical transhumanism of consciousness beyond technology: "RE:MEMBER UNIVERSE"



De Toys on stage 27.6.09 (DR2)
De Toys on stage 27.6.09 (DR2)

"Die Form der Spiritualität ist eine Geschmackssache – es kann sich dabei um Religion im traditionellen Sinne handeln oder nicht. Schließlich hat das Geistige seit jeher zahllose Gesichter und Namen gehabt: Gott, Göttin, Jesus, Buddha, Adonai, Tao, Vater, Mutter Erde oder Liebe. Doch für einige von uns mag es namenlos sein, die Stille in der eigenen Seele. Wie auch immer sie aussehen mag, durch unsere Verbindung mit dieser sublimen Gegenwart voller Mitgefühl beginnt sich unser Bewußtsein auszudehnen. Wir werden offener, dem Übersinnlichen gegenüber empfänglicher. (...) Ich bin davon überzeugt, daß alle fühlenden Wesen durch ein unsichtbares Netzwerk miteinander verbunden sind. Doch es tritt erst dann in Aktion, wenn das Übersinnliche als Generator in Kraft tritt, um  es zu aktivieren und zu beleben. Unser alltägliches Leben bietet einen idealen Hintergrund, eine Art Laboratorium, in dem wir mit einer Unmenge von Möglichkeiten experimentieren können. Eine unbeschwerte Herangehensweise, ein Gefühl für das Spielerische und ein tiefer Respekt werden das Übersinnliche einladen, und es wird uns zeigen, was alles möglich ist. Das Übersinnliche soll weder übertrieben noch unterbewertet, sondern vielmehr im Sinne der modernen Welt neu interpretiert werden, damit wir es in unser Leben integrieren können. Wir müssen es in den oft viel zu wenig beachteten Wundern unseres täglichen Lebens entdecken. (...) Erst wenn die Wissenschaft und die Spiritualität endlich zusammenfinden, wird die Medizin zu ihrer vollen Kraft erblühen. Und Ärzte werden durch die Erweckung ihres Geistes wieder zu wahren Heilern."
Judith Orloff, in: 'JENSEITS DER ANGST – Die außersinnlichen Fähigkeiten entdecken und damit leben' (1995)

Tom de Toys, 20.9.-20.10.2009


My neurosociological theory: HUMANS HAVE FORGOTTEN TO PERCEIVE UNIVERSE IN ITS MULTIDIMENSIONAL EXISTENCE. If we start remembering that universe is our infinite empty high-speed home, we return to a realistic appreciating attitude towards life, that is non-psychologic, non-esoteric, non-shamanistic, non-spiritual but neither superficial nor materialistic - it is just deep, free, open-minded, open-hearted and maybe shocking because it DELETES ALL DUALISTIC DELUSIONS and turns out ecstatic without any drugs! Most humans simply forgot that WE ARE PART OF UNIVERSE: They run over the surface ignoring infinity from all sides, even within each cell... Try to remember life is a REAL fairy-tale and wake up to COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS by realizing how real this is !!! "RE:MEMBER UNIVERSE!" - we are made of stardust and we are part of that incredible whole phenOMenon called galaxy and another galaxy and another another and better be prepared to count endlessly: DO NOT IGNORE INFINITY ! TELL YOUR NEIGHBOUR ABOUT THE NEED TO REALIZE UNIVERSE SURROUNDING US TO WISH WORLD PEACE ! Planet Earth is a high-speed-quantum-bio-computer and humans are part of the fantastic programm. FEEL THE ECSTATIC ENERGY FLOWING THRU YOUR NERVES !!! Dive into the divine dignity of this multi-dimensional dope: UNIVERSE WANTS TO SEE ITSELF THRU YOUR EYES !!! HELP UNIVERSE TO REFLECT ITSELF !!! Make the cosmic monster wake up to its own realization... DO NOT RUN AWAY your whole life, STAND STILL and understand still. Listen to the sound of silence without any signals - your spirit IS the big bang in each second of each cell made of electric emptiness: WE DARE TO TALK ABOUT THAT SUBJECT AND OUR PRESIDENTS SHOULD DO THAT TOO IF THEY DO NOT WANT TO BE RIDICULOUS BLIND TEENAGERS ANY LONGER !!! POLITICIANS WAKE UP TO TELL PEOPLE THE TRUTH: There is no system, no matrix, no final law but the need to stand still all together and realize: WE ARE FLYING THRU EMPTINESS ON A HIGH-SPEED BALL DRAWING ETERNAL CIRCLES AROUND THE SUN AND THE SUN AROUND THE BIG MASS HOLE IN THE CENTER OF THE GALAXY AND THE WHOLE GALAXY TOGETHER WITH SEVERAL OTHER GALAXIES DANCING TANGO WITH OTHER MAGNETIC FIELDS !!! Dance the cosmic rythm! Diving thru the whole! FEEL IT IN YOUR NERVES !!! THINK IT IN YOUR BRAINS !!! TOUCH IT WITH YOUR SENSES: the crazy fairy-tale of REAL LIFE. No scientist can explain WHY it is existing, finally it just IS WHAT IT IS: HERE AND NOW... As long as humanity is not able to FEEL THE INFINITY OF UNIVERSE as our birthplace and hOMe we will go on fighting against each other because we do not feel "here and now" but always longing for something different. Religion called it "god" (who has thousands but no name), the esoterics and freaks called it "love" (in the sense of energy or vibration), psychologists called it the "big self" (that is the opposite of selfishness), enligthened zen-masters called it the emptiness (or even "emptier" than that), cybernetics called it the multi-sources (of an open structure) and NOWADAYS NORMAL NEUROTIC PEOPLE do not need to call it at all: WE FEEL IT !!! The "center" of the (w)hole is nowhere but everywhere as each molecule IS the empty middle of universe - cOMe hOMe to where you are right now and feel how worthy LIFE IS !!! Forget about your pains, forget about all problems: trust in the possibility that there is a bigger contact between everything and GO ON !!! GOOO OOON !!! You need no suicide, you will be dead ANYWAY one beautiful day !!! So take your pains and problems as THE special adventure that is given especially to YOU because the whole system NEEDS you at THAT infinite zero-point of the structure without illusions to keep on moving honestly, yeah yeah yeah!

PAU@OM (c) De Toys, 19.7.2009 (former myspam profile pic)
PAU@OM (c) De Toys, 19.7.2009 (former myspam profile pic)

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